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beautiful sunsets

 beautiful sunsets.Enjoy watching...

King of Dogs Caucasian Shepherd

King of Dogs Caucasian Shepherd. The Caucasian Mountain Dog is a very large, muscular, powerful dog. It is assertive, strong-willed, and courageous. It's a loyal and fearless dog with the ability to protect the family. The Caucasian Mountain Dog's original purpose was to protect livestock. It makes a good family pet. This is not a breed for the timid owner; it needs firm obedience training.

Hackers Steal Cars With Texts

Hackers Steal Cars With Texts
Hackers Steal Cars With Texts. Don Bailey and Mat Solnik, researchers from security firm iSec Partners, demonstrated the attack on a Subaru Outback, using a laptop to send their messages and break into the vehicle. The hack could apply to high-end security systems like OnStar, although Bailey and Solnik wouldn't reveal whose system they cracked.

Keith jumped at the beach

 August 8 small whale jumped on one of the beaches in Australia.
  It spent several hours on the sand, before the volunteers from the rescue center brought him back into the ocean.

Kanatahodets between two balls

 Chinese acrobat Saimatini Aisha held a risky operation at the intersection of the airspace in order to establish a new national record.

Bear hunting cows

 Bear decided to hunt the cows. But cows do not make a blunder and gave the collective response.

Living with lions

 40-year-old artist and owner of a small menagerie in the town Vasilevka (Zaporozhye region), Alexander Pylyshenko yesterday began an experiment to co-host in the same cage with nine lioness Katya. According to some sources the artist wants to get into the Guinness Book of Records, on the other - thus collects the money for real, "big" zoo. At noon, Alexander bade farewell to his mother and wife, and then entered the cage, which is sealed. Pylyshenko expects to spend together with a lioness for 35 days. The situation complicates the fact that the lioness Kate is pregnant and is going to give birth soon.

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