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+Contraceptive pills and clot risk

+Contraceptive pills and clot risk

 U.S. health officials issued a cautionary note Monday about an increased risk of blood clots in women taking newer forms of birth control pills, such as Yaz or Yasmin.

Painted gorilla flooded London

 Army of the 20 models were on display vozleMerii on the south bank of the Thames in London as part of a campaign to raise awareness of mankind that the usual place of wildlife habitat are threatened with extinction. All gorilla at the exhibition by artists decorated the UK, each individually decorated.

The largest aquarium in the world

In Atlanta (Ga.) is the largest aquarium in the world. It contains 8.5 million water and halon 120 000 creatures, more than 500 species of 60, and habitats.Stunning scenes of the largest aquarium....

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