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The largest insect

Huge grasshopper - giant ueta, are endemic to New Zealand. In nature, there are 11 species of giant ueta, most of which are much more than those depicted in the pictures.

Giant ueta gladly eats a carrot

Acrobatic stealing shrimp

 Acrobatic stealing shrimp
Modest egret patiently fished more than an hour before luck smiled at her.
But in the next two seconds cheeky seagull deft acrobatic grabs the tasty shrimp straight from her beak.
An amazing moment captured the 55-year-old photographer Andy Long in Florida.

Canada urged to swap national symbol

Canada urged to swap national symbol
Canada urged to swap national symbol - A Conservative senator says it's time Canada was symbolized by something more majestic than a buck-toothed rodent.

Extreme cocktail of Thailand

 In Thailand,  widely distributed drink with a cobra.
Certainly not with the snake, and with her ​​blood and heart for a snack.
In a glass of whiskey poured into the snake blood, which the client drank in one gulp,
then swallows a snake just extracted the heart.
Car of the photo said that he felt only the taste of alcohol.
While preparing and consumed such an unusual cocktail, cook roasts all that remained of the snake.

Remains of Pete the Moose found?

Remains of Pete the Moose found?
Remains of Pete the Moose found?, Vermont officials say they believe they've found the remains of a beloved captive moose, but the carcass is too decomposed to be tested for disease.

Hawk with nail in head still alive and free

Hawk with nail in head still alive and free
Hawk with nail in head still alive and free, A wildlife rescue group tried unsuccessfully for a third day Wednesday to capture and rescue a red-tailed hawk in a San Francisco park that appears to have been shot in the head with a nail gun.

France Ketchup

France Ketchup
France Ketchup, The country has officially banned the tomato condiment from all high school and college cafeterias.

The largest halibut in the Atlantic world

In Norway, caught the largest halibut in the Atlantic world  The island of Senja in northern Norway, a former police officer Reinhard Uhrmann caught Atlantic halibut the biggest in the world, weighing 241 pounds. In order to catch a huge fish, which bypassed the previous record by 26 kilograms, the Norwegians took three hours and still get to a giant halibut in the boat, he needed help two more experienced fishermen. The approximate cost of such a valuable record and halibut, a length of 2.5 meters, if it is to sell the restaurant - at least 40 thousand dollars, where it will split into a thousand servings of high-quality fillets. After such a pleasant, but very difficult fishing a 62-year-old Norwegian was resting a few days, but the whole team of fishermen with their friends happily took home the 11 kilograms of colossal Atlantic halibut.

Gorilla and duckling become friends

Gorilla and duckling become friends

Gorilla and duckling become friends. I'm quackers about you! Gorilla who dotes on a duckling.

This huge gorilla and tiny duckling became unlikely friends after the bird escaped into the ape's zoo enclosure.

Visitors to the Bronx Zoo in New York were stunned when the baby duck suddenly appeared inches from the massive primate.

Fearing the 90kg western lowland gorilla might react badly to the feathered visitor, onlookers held their breath to see what would happen.

Jodie Marsh ends man drought

Jodie Marsh ends man drought, We've seen some celebrity makeovers in our time, but this one beats them all hands down.

'Sesame Street' to tackle child hunger

'Sesame Street' to tackle child hunger
'Sesame Street' to tackle child hunger, A new muppet will make its way to Sesame Street come October 9, but the typical sunny days touted in the show's infamous theme song are not in the cards for the latest addition.

Pet food TV advert feature dog-only frequencies

Pet food TV advert feature dog-only frequencies
Pet food TV advert feature dog-only frequencies, The TV advert that talks to your DOG! Pet food firm uses sounds humans can't hear to make Fido sit up and take notice. If you already think your pet is a fussy eater, be prepared for an even pickier pooch as pet food makers have launched a TV ad only dogs can hear.

'Penguin' spotted near Portsmouth

'Penguin' spotted near Portsmouth
'Penguin' spotted near Portsmouth, First there was Happy Feet, and now another penguin has been spotted 'lost' 6,000 miles from home - swimming in the sea at a Portsmouth beach.

Cassius Giant Crocodile Australia

Cassius Giant Crocodile Australia
Cassius Giant Crocodile Australia 
Cassius Giant Crocodile Australia, Cairns has the biggest captive crocodile in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records. Cassius, the 5.5m saltwater crocodile, has called Marineland Melanesia his home for 24 years.

The highest dog in the world

The highest dog - dog Nova
If Nova will stand on its hind legs, its "growth" is 1 meter and 80 centimeters.
This fact was recently brought to the Guinness Book of Records.
Nova lives in Illinois with his mistress, Mrs. Saplin. Poor woman, that bitch (the dog) eats nearly 140 pounds of feed per week!

+Contraceptive pills and clot risk

+Contraceptive pills and clot risk

 U.S. health officials issued a cautionary note Monday about an increased risk of blood clots in women taking newer forms of birth control pills, such as Yaz or Yasmin.

Painted gorilla flooded London

 Army of the 20 models were on display vozleMerii on the south bank of the Thames in London as part of a campaign to raise awareness of mankind that the usual place of wildlife habitat are threatened with extinction. All gorilla at the exhibition by artists decorated the UK, each individually decorated.

The largest aquarium in the world

In Atlanta (Ga.) is the largest aquarium in the world. It contains 8.5 million water and halon 120 000 creatures, more than 500 species of 60, and habitats.Stunning scenes of the largest aquarium....

beautiful sunsets

 beautiful sunsets.Enjoy watching...

King of Dogs Caucasian Shepherd

King of Dogs Caucasian Shepherd. The Caucasian Mountain Dog is a very large, muscular, powerful dog. It is assertive, strong-willed, and courageous. It's a loyal and fearless dog with the ability to protect the family. The Caucasian Mountain Dog's original purpose was to protect livestock. It makes a good family pet. This is not a breed for the timid owner; it needs firm obedience training.

Hackers Steal Cars With Texts

Hackers Steal Cars With Texts
Hackers Steal Cars With Texts. Don Bailey and Mat Solnik, researchers from security firm iSec Partners, demonstrated the attack on a Subaru Outback, using a laptop to send their messages and break into the vehicle. The hack could apply to high-end security systems like OnStar, although Bailey and Solnik wouldn't reveal whose system they cracked.

Keith jumped at the beach

 August 8 small whale jumped on one of the beaches in Australia.
  It spent several hours on the sand, before the volunteers from the rescue center brought him back into the ocean.

Kanatahodets between two balls

 Chinese acrobat Saimatini Aisha held a risky operation at the intersection of the airspace in order to establish a new national record.

Bear hunting cows

 Bear decided to hunt the cows. But cows do not make a blunder and gave the collective response.

Living with lions

 40-year-old artist and owner of a small menagerie in the town Vasilevka (Zaporozhye region), Alexander Pylyshenko yesterday began an experiment to co-host in the same cage with nine lioness Katya. According to some sources the artist wants to get into the Guinness Book of Records, on the other - thus collects the money for real, "big" zoo. At noon, Alexander bade farewell to his mother and wife, and then entered the cage, which is sealed. Pylyshenko expects to spend together with a lioness for 35 days. The situation complicates the fact that the lioness Kate is pregnant and is going to give birth soon.

Cats and dogs in the form of pop idols

 Publisher Teneues issued an illustrated book devoted to the various figures of pop culture past and present. A book entitled "Famous person" is on the pages of cats and dogs make up a well-known personalities such as Carl Ledzherfeld, Marilyn Monroe, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and many others.

70 pound tortoise stolen

70 pound tortoise stolen
70 pound tortoise stolen. Kenn Bearman, owner of the Animal Store, with Spur, a 70-pound tortoise that was stolen from his Lincolnwood store on Saturday. The tortoise was returned by a Good Samaritan today.

Amazing Animal Tattoos

Animal Tattoos
We have common body tattoo, on the animal 's tattoo, while small, is always controversial. Some animal rights organizations, who opposed to this practice. By and large, to the animal tattoos, was to show unusual pet alternative, there is driven by economic interests, such as the pig tattoo market expensive.

The largest predator in the world

Eccentric Fashion Week

Eccentric outfits Fashion Week Mercedes Benz
Some awesome extractions of the Fashion Week "Mercedes Benz" in New York, where the leading fashion brands and designers presented their collections Autumn-Winter 2011/2012. Where you will find a selection of the most unusual costumes, presented during the fashion shows of the week.

Amazing and Beautiful

An excellent collection of masterly taken shoots:

Amazing Collection

 wonderful funny collection by the sharp eye of camera. Happy viewing:

Amazing Album Of Funny Collection

Funny extractions of animals and people landing the spectators in astonishment:

Why Does It Rain

Here is such a comic book that explains the phenomenon of these things!

The Superb photo Collection

 Ever fine collection of masterly taken pictures grabs the attention:

10 sizzling journeys Under & Upon The Sea

Who wouldn't love an undersea hotel or a submarine ride for three?
Get caught in the ocean's net of wonder with one of 10 environment-friendly adventures

The most unrealistic tattoos

Very extreme!
The first mention of tattoos found in the diary of Joseph Banks - a naturalist who traveled on board the ship "Endeavour, commanded by Captain Cook himself. Record, dated 1769, reads: "I now I will talk about how they are indelibly labeled themselves. Each of them gets special marks, which denote their character or situation. "The art of tattooing was practiced for centuries and was used for tribal jewelry and had a cultural meaning. And in the 21 st century, tattoos have retained their original purpose - to pass around some information about yourself. They want to say forty-five female roguish form or an accountant from London, his tattoos - we can only guess. The same applies to all of these extreme tattoos.

Wooden Town Metropol Parasol

 On the square in Seville Erkanason can always escape the heat in the shade of a tree, or rather wooden construction Metropol Parasol ... the world's largest wooden building.

A truly gigantic size structure designed by architects and designers Jurgen Mayer Studios

Animatronic dinosaur exhibition at the Zoo Chester

Thirteen animatronic models of dinosaurs in life-size, as similar to "original" return to the Zoo Chester. Opening of a new exhibition, which will be exhibits mechanical "twins" of living creatures that inhabited the earth two hundred million years ago, in July. All the exhibits can go and publish as close to the original sounds. The exhibition is a terrible king Tyrannosaurus - the worst of the once inhabited the planet predators.

Kung Fu Panda 2 Movie Trailer Official (HD)

Kung Fu Panda 2 Trailer 2

My Fist Humger for Justice..........

Kangfu Panda
My Fist Humger for Justice..........

Kanfu Panda

Wellcome to the Kanfu Panda's Wolrd

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