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Jodie Marsh ends man drought

Jodie Marsh ends man drought, We've seen some celebrity makeovers in our time, but this one beats them all hands down.

Jodie Marsh, formerly known for her curves and tendency to hit the town wearing nothing more than a couple of strategically placed belts, has reinvented herself as a bodybuilder - and her new look is absolutely jaw-dropping.

Last month Jodie entered the Natural Physique Association (NPA) Mike Williams Classic and Pro-Am Bodybuilding Championships after just eight weeks of intensive training.

Yes, that's right - she got this body in just eight weeks.

Jodie has shrunk from a size 12 to a tiny size 6 thanks to a gruelling diet and exercise routine - and she came fifth in the competition.

Earlier today, Jodie appeared on This Morning where she revealed that she works out for six hours every day and drinks seven protein shakes to help her build muscle.

She said: "I do three hours of cardio, two hours of weights and one hour of abs a day. I also do an hour of posing and routine work."

As a vegetarian she says that she's struggled to get the protein she needs to help build up her muscles. That's why she's been guzzling protein shakes and has been eating 15 egg whites every day to help her bulk up.

She has cut out carbohydrates altogether, but she says it's all been worth it.

Jodie says: "This is the best I've ever felt, and the best my body has ever felt too.

"In just 50 days I have gone from 25 per cent body fat to 10 per cent body fat, gained eight pounds of muscle and lost 20 pounds of fat. In eight weeks I have achieved what normally takes six to nine months. Jodie Marsh ends man drought,

"I'm really happy I'm going home with a trophy. If I can do this in eight weeks, competing against the best in the UK, then what else can I achieve with more training time?

"I'm 100 per cent confident that if I had more time to train I could have placed in the top three and go through to finals. We'll have to see what happens next year!"

Jodie also says that her new look has helped to end her 'man drought'.

She told The Sun: "I've never attracted so much interest from blokes in my life. It's been a real eye-opener. For the last two years I went through a complete drought of men.

"No one was chatting me up. I despaired of ever having a boyfriend, or even a date, again. But since I became a bodybuilder, I've suddenly got about 50 guys interested in me."

Under the guidance of her trainer Tim Sharp, Jodie's eight-week regime saw her sticking to a strict diet and cutting out all alcohol.

She says: "I started training with a personal trainer called Tim Sharp last December in my local gym.

"At first I just wanted to lose weight and tone up - I was soft all over. But within two weeks, I had definition in my stomach.

"As I saw my body changing, I really liked my muscles and as Tim is a bodybuilder, it just went from there. I feel a million dollars.

"I feel proud of myself. I've always been confident, but I've had moments where I haven't wanted people to see me naked."

On his website, Tim Sharp says: "I can transform your body in weeks NOT months or years! I have 24 years of experience as a trainer so you're assured to be inspired and you will get amazing results fast.

"If you want maximum fat loss in weeks, look no further. The world's best athletes and celebrities trust me to get them in shape fast."

It looks like Tim's as good as his word as Jodie insists that her new look is all down to hard work.

She told This Morning: "My body is 100 per cent natural and I'm proud of that, because I could have gone down the steroid route but I wouldn't want to.

"In pictures you can't tell how big someone is and in those I look like some 16-stone beast of a man.

"But I'm just toned, I'm a size six, eight stone, 5ft 2in. You can see that I'm not huge."

Source: aol

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