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Insect Doctor

For many people, insects are more often associated with no treatment, and the spread of disease. Everyone knows that the flies are spreading all kinds of infection that cockroaches and ants have settled in houses, you need to ruthlessly etched, and that malarial mosquitoes are killed each year nearly 3 million people.

But, nevertheless, there are recipes that allow you to use these horrible insects in the role of doctors. Of course, not all such methods of treatment like it, but it exists.
Disgusting-looking green larvae padalnoy flies fell apart and the other not less horrible substances can live right in the open, festering wounds. Their food being digested with these out of my body: that is, the larva selects the wound special enzymes, thinning tissue and then suck the resulting mush. That this seems to be quite horrible process, and you can get the healing effect. Getting into the wound, the larvae clearly preferred the already dead tissue and small pieces of bone, trying to eat them first. At the same enzymes which it secretes, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, the enzymes contained in allatonin promotes healing rany.Lechenie larvae used even in modern hospitals. For this purpose, not just a fly caught in the street (such insects may additionally bear more and tetanus, and gangrene bacillus), and flies reared in the laboratory. Their larvae are able to thoroughly clean the slow healing wounds and accelerate healing.
Treatment with bee venom has been known for a long time and has a lot of followers. In bee venom contains a variety of drugs. Bee venom has been used successfully to treat rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. But this medicine, as well as synthetic potent drugs, some people can cause severe allergic reactions, including death, so it must be used very carefully.
Ant poison, too, with a very long time used in medicine. For example, it successfully used to treat some diseases of the joints. Ant poison is part of many drugs.
Many peoples have traditional medicinal prescriptions based on the ants. For example, Australian Aborigines, to get the medication, avoid the headache, brewed green ants with boiling water. It is said that this "ant-tea" can not only relieve the headache, but also to accelerate wound healing. The taste of this unusual drink like usual green tea.
The huge jaws of some species of ants roaming in Africa and South America can be used to accelerate wound healing. For this offer to grab an ant in the wound, and when the jaws close up, tear it down. Such a pretty cruel way to put a good seam allows the wound in the field.
It is difficult to believe, but there are also antibiotics of cockroaches. Has a cockroach suprapharyngeal ganglion - neural node that performs the function in the cockroach brain - contains a substance that is sufficiently potent antibiotic. Antibiotic derived from the "cockroach brains" so powerful that it can kill even the most dangerous Staphylococcus aureus, which is still one of the most threatening infections, both natural and hospital.
Anopheles mosquito can also be used for treatment. Malaria - a disease contagious, serious and very dangerous. Each year the disease kills nearly three million people. But there are people who are ready to get malaria, only to get rid of another of his illness. These diseases include syphilis. There is evidence that the malaria parasite kills the bacteria that cause syphilis. It turns out such a scheme, first malaria "devours" syphilis, and then the doctor cures malaria.
Koshenilny mealybug can be used as a cough medicine. Of those nasty-looking insects have long been hunted a bright red dye carmine. They also say that the alcoholate of these insects helps with whooping cough, asthma and other less severe lung disease
Actually, insects - this is one of the most dangerous creatures on earth. There are some species, a touch which can cause an inevitable and very painful death. For example, such a "gift" has a South American butterfly caterpillar harmless lonomii.No in countries where food shortages are always impacted particularly hard, people have long since learned to eat some insects as food. Fried scorpions, locusts, caterpillars cocoons - all eaten in large quantities. There is even a rich restaurant serving dishes made with insects.

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