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The future scares the sea power of death

On the beach in the county of Lincolnshire (England) dead sperm whale washed up by the surf, the length of which reaches 10.7 meters. Crowds surrounded the dead animal, some even tried to take a picture with him, but most of the people alerted the assailants stench of rotting carcasses. As reported by The Daily Mail, sperm whale, apparently died a few days ago and started to decompose.

Biologist Tony Burgess, who came to view the dead body, said that, most likely, a sperm whale was killed, faced with the boat. "Seeing the dead is a magnificent animal, of course, very unpleasant," - he added.

"We're going to fill up an animal carcass tridtsatitonny sand, until next week - commented on the situation on the board of county of Lincolnshire - and then remove it from the beach."

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