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Utilization of a new Lexus?!

It is not clear for what reason, this brand-new Lexus allowed under the knife.
Too bad the car ...

The future scares the sea power of death

On the beach in the county of Lincolnshire (England) dead sperm whale washed up by the surf, the length of which reaches 10.7 meters. Crowds surrounded the dead animal, some even tried to take a picture with him, but most of the people alerted the assailants stench of rotting carcasses. As reported by The Daily Mail, sperm whale, apparently died a few days ago and started to decompose.

Biologist Tony Burgess, who came to view the dead body, said that, most likely, a sperm whale was killed, faced with the boat. "Seeing the dead is a magnificent animal, of course, very unpleasant," - he added.

"We're going to fill up an animal carcass tridtsatitonny sand, until next week - commented on the situation on the board of county of Lincolnshire - and then remove it from the beach."

World of curved shapes

American photographer Terry Border is a very special blog that publishes the works of the food, a variety of household items and wire. Actually the last item - bent into various forms of wire - breathe into inanimate figures, Terry amazing life. The resulting images of art are living their own lives. The author gives each character and comes up with an original story for a photo. His creations frikovye Terry calls Bent Objects, which translated into Russian means - "curved shapes". I will not hide, I'm just delighted with his work. Created by an American Peace curved shapes with characteristic humor, the author shows the realities of our world. Very cool and unusual!

Sniper on the Super Bowl championship

Super Bowl - is a grand sports event in the U.S..
During the match for the cup on the American football in the stands are going to tens of thousands of fans.
This is a difficult time for special services, which should ensure the safety of the tournament.
In addition to the forces in the stands for spectators watched through the scope sniper rifle people
who are always ready to pull the trigger.

Insect Doctor

For many people, insects are more often associated with no treatment, and the spread of disease. Everyone knows that the flies are spreading all kinds of infection that cockroaches and ants have settled in houses, you need to ruthlessly etched, and that malarial mosquitoes are killed each year nearly 3 million people.

Saving the goldfish

In London, ICN gallery is amazing debut exhibition of the artist, brush animating goldfish.

The exhibition is called "Goldfish Salvation" / "Save the Goldfish" and is a collection of three-dimensional images of fish, painted in various capacities with several layers of acrylic paints and transparent resin, which becomes incredibly realistic picture. The image is applied layer by layer, similar to how a 3D printer.

The most colorful fish in the world

The most colorful fish in the world - Mandarin 
Mandarin is probably the most colorful and popular fish in the world. Despite its popularity, it is difficult to contain. It feeds exclusively on copepods and may die in captivity due to malnutrition. Mandarin, which is also known as "psychedelic fish" got its name from its bright color, which resembles the Imperial Chinese mandarin dress.

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